Friday, July 8, 2011

2 Months

Today Mr. Kaden turned 2 months old.Time is flying by! Here's a little update on Kaden so far:

Stats: I took Kaden to the dr last week cause I thought he sounded congested. (Turns out I'm just a paranoid mommy!) When they weighed him he was 11 lbs and 4 oz. We go for his 2 month check up next week, so I'll update his weight and length. I can tell you this...he still loves to eat, so I'm sure he's growing just fine! You can see in some of the pictures he's developing little rolls. I love it!!

Sleeping Habits? For about a week, he was sleeping through the night. He'd sleep for 7 or 8 hours. But, that only lasted a week. Now we're back to waking every 4 hours. I usually bathe him, feed him, then put him down. He sleeps 4 (or 5 if I'm really lucky) hours, then wakes up to eat. He is really good about eating, and going back to sleep. He's not a great napper. He takes catnaps. Very rarely does he take a long nap...unless I'm napping with him. If I lay him in my bed and lay down with him, he'll sleep for a good 2 hours.

Eating Habits? Every 3 hours during the day, unless he's napping. Then he might go 4. At night, it's every 4 or 5 hours. I'm looking forward to him sleeping through the night. I'm also ready for him to not be eating every 3 hours. It's hard to get a lot done. Feedings are going by faster these days. They usually only last 25 or 30 min. That's better than 45 min.

New tricks? He is all smiles. I know for sure he's smiling for real, and not just passing gas. I think he recognizes familiar faces, and he's usually the happiest when he's just eaten or waken up. He's also starting to make cooing (sp?) noises. It's almost like he's trying to talk back to you. He's very strong, and can just about hold his head up without help. He's starting to enjoy his toys more. He has a play mat that he wasn't too interested in at first, but now he's getting to where he'll lay under it. Right now, he just hits the rattles on accident while he's waving his arms around, but soon I think he'll be reaching for them.

Doctor Visits? I took him in last week because I thought he sounded congested, and I noticed he had a little cough. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't something to be concerned about. can call me the paranoid mom. That's basically what the dr told me. She did say he had a little nasal congestion, but his lungs were fine. We go next week for his 2 month appointment. I'm not looking forward to his first round of shots!! :-(

General Observations?  He's still referred to as a "momma's boy." He started getting pretty fussy in the evenings around week 6. I was praying hard that it wasn't colic. I think he's getting better now. Not sure what all the fuss was about, but I'm glad he's getting over it. He also went through (and still kinda is in) a stage where he just wants his momma. That's ok, I don't mind....but dad gets his feelings hurt every now and then. He still LOVES bath time!! If we can't figure out how to make him happy, we stick  him in the bath. It works every time!! He also loves to be outside. When he gets fussy, we go for a walk. It works almost as well as bath time. It's good for Micah & I too. We've been walking in the evenings. My favorite thing about him right now is his smiles. It's so fun to talk to him and watch him respond with smiles and silly faces...and even try to "talk" back. We're loving every minute with our sweet boy!!


Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! CONGRATS on the SLEEPING!! i did not get that till about 4 months.. YOU ARE A BLESSED WOMAN! HE IS SOOOOO CUTE!

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! CONGRATS on the SLEEPING!! i did not get that till about 4 months.. YOU ARE A BLESSED WOMAN! HE IS SOOOOO CUTE!

The Links said...

I bet you are getting so close to him sleeping through the night. My doctor said it usually happens when they are about 12 pounds!!