Sunday, January 18, 2009

Rock Band

Micah and I went to Best Buy today to get a GPS and to see if they had any Wii Fits in stock. We've been wanting to get one for a while, but they're not in stock anywhere. So, when we walked in there was a huge selection of Rock Band for the Wii. I could tell he was kind of looking at them, but I didn't think anything of it. We picked out our GPS, and as we were walking around he finally looked at me and asked "think we'd have fun if we bought Rock Band?" I knew it was coming and it was only a matter of time. So, I said sure, and after he spent a lot of time convincing himself, he finally bought it. We've been home from the store for about 5 hours now, and Rock Band has been on for about 4 of those. My whole family has been playing it. It's actually pretty funny to watch them. Enjoy these pics....

Ryan's still trying to figure it out!

He has it down now!

Get it boy!

She's the little pro!